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Fri, Oct 27 at 7:30am - Wed, Oct 25 at 8:00am
Randolph Protestant Reformed Church
229 Hammond St. Randolph WI

Before God destroyed the world with the flood, He said to Noah “the earth is filled with violence,” (Genesis 6:13). Indeed, the earth is filled with violence today! But the greatest threat to God’s people is not that we become the OBJECTS of that violence, but PARTICIPANTS in it. In a speech entitled “Holiness in a World Filled With Violence” Professor Brian Huizinga will address the following questions: What is violence? How is it manifested in the world today? How does it appear in the church today? And what is the holiness to which Christ calls His people amid this violence?

The Randolph Protestant Reformed Church Evangelism Committee invites you to a speech by Professor Brian Huizinga who teaches at the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Grandville, MI on the topic “Holiness in a World Filled With Violence,” Friday, October 27 at 7:30p.m. at the church, 229 Hammond St. Randolph WI.
