10416 Curtiss Street, Mazomanie, WI
Focus your Advent/Christmas 2023 on the reason for the season and enjoy a “Breakfast In Bethlehem.” This event for the entire family (and especially children ages 2-12) will take place from 9-11 AM on Saturday, December 16, 2023 at Curtiss Street Bible Fellowship in Mazomanie, WI. Guests will enjoy a delicious breakfast and watch as Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, angels and wise men tell the story of the first Christmas. Children can also see and pet some sheep and a real donkey, like the one that Mary rode to Bethlehem. Make plans now to add this to your Christmas 2023 “must do” list.
Reservations are requested at—- csbf.org.
Admission-Children-$2 (Children under 2 are free) Adults-$5 All proceeds from the event will go to the Christians In Action Community Food Pantry of Mazomanie
Children attending must be accompanied by an adult.
Breakfast In Bethlehem by Sandra L. Mack with Alene H. Betts
Produced by special arrangement with Christian Publishers.
Website: http:csbf.org